Since its release date on January 2013, Mirekusoft Install Monitor 2.0 has helped many professionals improve their PC performance. It gave them greater control and monitoring over the software they install, especially with the inclusion of these new features:
Do you want to see what other professionals are saying about it? Scroll down to read more.
Professional Reviews on Mirekusoft Install Monitor 2.0
Here is what tech professionals have to say about it:
Official, Secure and Free

“Install Monitor is a better replacement for the Windows uninstall program. It provides detailed information about the software you installed. You can find out how much disk, CPU, and memory your programs are using, and how often you use different programs.”
A Great PC Performance Enhancement Program

“Mirekusoft Install Monitor 2 completely deletes unnecessary files that slows down your computer.”
Takes the guess work out of uninstalling a program

“This program is great for day to day use as well with its enhanced task manager.”
Try it for yourself and experience how it will efficiently improve your PC performance. Download our FREE 30-day trial version, today.