Avoiding reinstalling

Avoiding reinstalling

Windows 8 will contain a new feature that allows you to refresh your computer. Known as “Refresh your PC”, it will keep all personal data, Metro style apps, and important settings from the PC, and reinstall Windows. So in other words it makes reinstalling easier. In a way it’s a tacit admission that sometimes Windows … Read more

Application Bundles on Windows

Application Bundles on Windows

If you have ever looked at the Contents tab in Install Monitor you will realize that applications do not install to just one place. Usually there are several different registry and file locations used. The registry tends to get hit the hardest and in general becomes a virtual junkyard for any software you have ever … Read more

Application management and why it’s not just an uninstaller

You might have noticed the subtitle for this site is “application management software.” So what is application management? This blog post will discuss that and how it relates to how Install Monitor works. What is application management? Application management essentially is the ability to completely manage your installed programs. Generally on Windows when you install … Read more

Do you still restart after uninstalling?

restart after uninstalling

One of the most frustrating parts of uninstalling software is the restart prompt that sometimes appears at the end. The user wants to get rid of some piece of software but now the software wants to restart the system to complete the uninstallation. Most of the times the reboots are actually not even necessary. In … Read more

Mirekusoft Install Monitor

Mirekusoft Install Monitor 3.0.494.2

A new version of Mirekusoft Install Monitor is available on the download page. This version fixes several bugs and improves compatibility with other programs. Please upgrade if you have an older version. Any issues can be addressed though the forums, email, or replying to this blog post.